Monday, November 8, 2010


Well I decided to have a Show&Tell blog, to keep track and also for some responsibility. It will probably talk about what happens at each Show&Tell, and then have some reactions. Mine, I mean. Also I will Show&Tell each performer. Basically it's more about me than anything else.

When the generous folks at Minás (Minás Konsolas and Peggy Hoffman) said to me at a fire pit party that they wanted me to curate a series, I was flattered and also nervous and surprised, but I said yes, and then I thought that I didn't want to do another performance series there are already performance serieses and it would be redundant. I thought of show and tell as a nice way to mediate the pretentiousness right out of performance, and include other types of interesting people without trying to bridge the gap in a bleeding heart kind of way. So that's what it is. I can't reconcile my art life against my real life, and yes I think there's a distinction most of the time, for me, not you necessarily.

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